Monday, March 30, 2009


just... finish my exam...

is an easy term..
but i cant manage it right...
didnt study enough...
feel regreted...

i did much careless mistake in add mathzz...
careless... Careless... CARELESS!!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

late pics... great memories...

We went for a movie duirng chinese new year.. (31-1-2009)
went to A&W for lunch..
They r a bit shy to take pictures...
So i seek pic!! ^^
b4 the movies...
we kinda find a place to to a picture...

The movie watch funny enough...
The end of the day...
The end!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

This is my brother..

My little brother...
just 6months old...
very CUTE...
I hav two brothers now...
another is Form 1 this year...
he's erm... he juz lyk to fight with me...
A lOt!!!
Use to be fun...
but getting tired about it..

Friday, March 13, 2009

My "will"s...

My favourite hobby...
Collecting ALBUMS!!!
1 . The MOST is DBSK ALBUMS!!!!!
I keep all my DBSK album here!!
The Korean & Japan DBSK album....
Their 2nd concert 'O' Jeong. Ban. Hap. album(Limited Edition!!)
All about DBSK Season 2 (Also Limited Edition!!)

2. Super Junior's Albums....

3. Taiwan : Wang Leehom's Albums...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

First Again~~~

Lost First Blog...
Cant find again...

Now start a new...
From 16...